Monday, February 2, 2015

The Power Of Three

Understanding The Power Of Three
The number three has a magical importance in cultural and spiritual practices around the world.
Each number, from one to nine, has a resonance and meaning of it's own, this can be studied using numerology. Perhaps the number that has the greatest impact is the number three. From the youngest age, tiny children hear in fairy tales of the magical idea of being given 'three wishes' and from our first exposure to Christianity we are made aware if the 'Holy Trinity'
Numerology and Magic
The number three is regarded ans powerful and sacred as it represents the manifestation of life:
Number One - The potential Seed
Number Two - Brings in complimentary opposites of light and dark, men and women.
Number Three - Completes a dynamic triangle, energy is created and everything begins to expand.A man and a woman together for example, create a child.
When practising witchcraft, the number three can be used to empower your spells and increase the effectiveness of your rituals threefold.
Examples of the Power of Three
The notion of three forming the Holy Trinity is fundamental to many belief systems, from modern day Christianity to ancient Paganism. The power of three can be brought into our lives through using symbol and practising ritual.
In Christianity The Holy Trinity, is God the father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. Traditionally, Christians wear a crucifix to represent the sacred three.
The Triple Goddess image predates the Christian paternal trinity with the Virgin, Mother and Crone. When practising magic, you can place a statue of the Triple Goddess on your altar to enhance your spell casting.
In witchcraft, great importance is placed upon the cyclical three phases of the Moon - waxing,full and waning. You could carry out a series of spell and rituals to coincide with these lunar phases, thus enhancing your magic by the power of three.
Repeating Three Times
You can increase the power of your spells by reciting incantations three times.
The first time you recite your incantation you are making a statement to the universe. the second time invokes the energy of the universes' complimentary opposite. The third incantation completes the circuit and brings the spell to life.Repeating the whole process twice more results in making your incantation nine time - three to 'the power of three'
This repetition increases your concentration and focus, helping you resonate wit the threefold nature of the universe. When we do anything in threes, there is a sense of completion.
An Everyday Number
Part of working magic involves becoming more conscious of what we are doing in our everyday lives. We can quite often catch ourselves referring to the power of three. Notice how we expect things to happen it threes. and how we ask for three wishes. When reading a story , it has a beginning, a middle and an end.and if we're telling a joke, the punchline will always come on the third round. We can even look at everyday objects and see if there is a 'threeness' in them.for example - electricity is pretty magical in it's own way and an electric plug has three points.
The Threefold Law
Wiccans observe the 'Law of Threefold Return' in magic working. This is the philosophy that whatever you put out will return to you threefold. Therefore, if you put out good intentions, goodness will return to you threefold, but if you put out bad intentions, you will bring back that negativity on yourself three times as powerful. Similarly, if you receive good, you should return it threefold.
Wear The Trinity
We can imbue ourselves with the power of three by wearing or carrying threefold objects. For example a pendant or brooch, which is three sided, will help us to invoke the power.
Symbolic Spirals
Wearing a spiral, which is a representation of three-dimensional space in two-dimensional form, is very symbolic.A triple knot or spiral in Celtic designs represents the Triple Goddess. The Celtic triple spiral is found on many standing stones and on the walls in the chamber at New Grange in Ireland.
In Feng Shui, a symbol of trinity is used for good luck - three coins places together in a triangular fashion are hung over doorways as a prosperity sign.

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