Thursday, February 26, 2015

Psychic Dreams

What Is Precognition:
Precognition is the ability or the direct knowledge to foresee events before they happen through ESP.  This phenomena can be experienced 60 to 70% in dreams, and the rest in day dreams or walking visions.  In your walking life Precognition will channel through auditory hallucinations, rapid random thoughts or instinct.
Studies have stated that everybody has a certain degree of psychic ability but some are more en heightened than others.  Psychic dreams can come in a symbolic form, or actual events taken place before they happen in your dream.  People who experience Psychic dreams usually tend to pick up on random feelings or emotions in their walking life.  Close to 90% of our precognition dreams involve people that we are emotionally attached to or somebody we have close ties to. Most of your psychic dreams will consist of family members or spouses. The remaining part would involve strangers or acquaintance that you meet in your daily life.  People who have dreamt or picked up on random events that haven't taken place yet, its classified under a precognitive experience.  Abraham Lincoln was said to have had this ability.  Before his assassination he told his wife and friends about a dream he had.  In the dream he was at a funeral inside the white house. He walked over to a soldier on guard and asked who was in the casket?  The soldier replied "the president of the United States of America".  One week after the dream he was shot and killed at point blank range.
Why People Have Precognition:
Still today studies still cant prove on why we get precognitive dreams. There are many theories on this subject but no substantial evidence.  Stated below are some theories for the reasoning behind them.
One theory states that the precognitive experience itself discharges some type of strong psychokinetic PK force, that brings the envisioned future to pass.
The past, present and future is all the same.
Possibly be a glance at future events that is based upon present circumstances and information.
Your mind is able to go outside an unknown force field
Learn To Have a Psychic Dream:
Everybody dreams through-out their life but only a handful of people remember them.  Some people for some reason have the ability to pick up on future events in dreams than others.  If you are one that forgets his or her dreams you may want to learn how to remember them to see if you have this ability.
There are many different ways to test your psychic ability through dreams by keeping a dream journal handy.  If you have trouble remembering your dreams you can enhance your power by learning how to do it properly.  Unfortunately we loose close to 90% of our dreams the first minute we wake up, so this is why many people not know if they had a psychic dream or not.  Below we have listed the best ways you can enhance your psychic ability though your dreams.
Step 1 - Learn how to Lucid Dream. Being able to manipulate your dream surrounding can help you control the direction of information within the dream.
Step 2 – Keep a Dream Journal. Write down every single detail about your dream including events and characters. This will help you see if the events came true.
Step 3 – Keep an open mind. Studies have shown that the people who experience Precognition dreams are willing to embrace the phenomena. You have to believe in it for it to exist.
Step 4 – De-code your dreams. Try putting the missing pieces of the puzzle together. Your dream symbols can confuse and trick you. Be patient and find the hidden meaning.
Step 5 – Dream Dictionary – It might help to use a dream dictionary to help find what the unconscious mind is hinting at.
Step 6 -  Meditate –  Meditation is key for clearing your mind and increasing your psychic abilities.
Premonition vs. Precognition:
Many people confuse premonition and precognition for being the same thing.  There is a slight difference between the two; though similar in nature they have the same end result.  Premonitions are mixtures of sounds, random images or feelings that flash involuntary in your mind at any given time.  Precognition on the other hand presents itself in dreams by using types of symbols, events or odd feelings.
Precognition Dream Facts:
– At least one third of the general population experiences precognition in there dreams
– There is no explanation on why we get psychic dreams
– 60 to 70% of precognition happens in our dreams
– You will know the difference between a normal dream to a psychic dream.
How To Stop Psychic Dreams:
Unfortunately there is no way you can stop your psychic dreams.  Many who do not understand it have trouble embracing this incredible ability.  If you do extensive research on the subject you will find out ways to cope with it.  People say the "power of prayer" goes a long way! Psychic Dreams What Is Precognition: Precognition is the ability or the direct knowledge to foresee events before they happen through ESP. This phenomena can be experienced 60 to 70% in dreams, and the rest in day dreams or walking visions. In your walking life Precognition will channel through auditory hallucinations, rapid random thoughts or instinct. Studies have stated that everybody has a certain degree of psychic ability but some are more en heightened than others. Psychic dreams can come in a symbolic form, or actual events taken place before they happen in your dream. People who experience Psychic dreams usually tend to pick up on random feelings or emotions in their walking life. Close to 90% of our precognition dreams involve people that we are emotionally attached to or somebody we have close ties to. Most of your psychic dreams will consist of family members or spouses. The remaining part would involve strangers or acquaintance that you meet in your daily life. People who have dreamt or picked up on random events that haven't taken place yet, its classified under a precognitive experience. Abraham Lincoln was said to have had this ability. Before his assassination he told his wife and friends about a dream he had. In the dream he was at a funeral inside the white house. He walked over to a soldier on guard and asked who was in the casket? The soldier replied "the president of the United States of America". One week after the dream he was shot and killed at point blank range. Why People Have Precognition: Still today studies still cant prove on why we get precognitive dreams. There are many theories on this subject but no substantial evidence. Stated below are some theories for the reasoning behind them. One theory states that the precognitive experience itself discharges some type of strong psychokinetic PK force, that brings the envisioned future to pass. The past, present and future is all the same. Possibly be a glance at future events that is based upon present circumstances and information. Your mind is able to go outside an unknown force field Learn To Have a Psychic Dream: Everybody dreams through-out their life but only a handful of people remember them. Some people for some reason have the ability to pick up on future events in dreams than others. If you are one that forgets his or her dreams you may want to learn how to remember them to see if you have this ability. There are many different ways to test your psychic ability through dreams by keeping a dream journal handy. If you have trouble remembering your dreams you can enhance your power by learning how to do it properly. Unfortunately we loose close to 90% of our dreams the first minute we wake up, so this is why many people not know if they had a psychic dream or not. Below we have listed the best ways you can enhance your psychic ability though your dreams. Step 1 - Learn how to Lucid Dream. Being able to manipulate your dream surrounding can help you control the direction of information within the dream. Step 2 – Keep a Dream Journal. Write down every single detail about your dream including events and characters. This will help you see if the events came true. Step 3 – Keep an open mind. Studies have shown that the people who experience Precognition dreams are willing to embrace the phenomena. You have to believe in it for it to exist. Step 4 – De-code your dreams. Try putting the missing pieces of the puzzle together. Your dream symbols can confuse and trick you. Be patient and find the hidden meaning. Step 5 – Dream Dictionary – It might help to use a dream dictionary to help find what the unconscious mind is hinting at. Step 6 - Meditate – Meditation is key for clearing your mind and increasing your psychic abilities. Premonition vs. Precognition: Many people confuse premonition and precognition for being the same thing. There is a slight difference between the two; though similar in nature they have the same end result. Premonitions are mixtures of sounds, random images or feelings that flash involuntary in your mind at any given time. Precognition on the other hand presents itself in dreams by using types of symbols, events or odd feelings. Precognition Dream Facts:– At least one third of the general population experiences precognition in there dreams– There is no explanation on why we get psychic dreams– 60 to 70% of precognition happens in our dreams– You will know the difference between a normal dream to a psychic dream. How To Stop Psychic Dreams: Unfortunately there is no way you can stop your psychic dreams. Many who do not understand it have trouble embracing this incredible ability. If you do extensive research on the subject you will find out ways to cope with it. People say the "power of prayer" goes a long way!

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