Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Spell to Gain Focus

Use: To gain focus.
Carve an eye into a white candle.
Place a few drops of vanilla extract on the candle top and rub a little bit into the wick. Pay attention to aroma and inhale it deeply.
Light the candle and say:
"Quiet, mind, now be still.
Focus on what I now will.
No scattering or thought dissension–
I order you to pay attention."
Hold a magnifying glass in front of the carving of the eye, then bring the magnifying glass to your third eye.
"Bring clear focus to details
Enlarge and bring them to scale
Attend each project one by one
Grant clarity 'till work is done."
Using paper and a writing utensil, make a to-do list in order of priority.
Place the list in front of the candle with the magnifying glass on top of it.
Allow the candle to burn down completely.
Carry the magnifying glass with you and get started on your list.
*If you don't have much time to wait or the candle to burn down, use a white tea light or birthday candle in lieu of other candles.

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