Thursday, February 26, 2015

Lucid Dreams

Lucid dreaming means that you are fully aware that you are dreaming. The state of Lucid Dreaming or "Lucidity" takes place in the middle of his or her dream. The dreamer fully understands that they just entered their dream and consciously knows its just a dream. Lucidity usually occurs when an alarm bell goes off in the dreamers mind when something doesn't pan out properly in the dream. Anything out of the ordinary such as "Flying" or "Floating" will cause you to enter in a lucid state of mind. Some lucid dreams just randomly happen without the dreaming knowing. Only a small percentage would lucid dream when they are in the state of returning back to Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. There are different variations of lucid dreams, depending the dream we can receive either high or low levels. With the lower levels you are some what lucid, but not in complete lucidity. You would be aware that you would be floating or flying but not in control of your dream settings. Higher levels on the other hand happens when you are in complete control and have the ability to manipulate your settings. This is an exciting feeling that feels almost euphoric. Unfortunately with high levels of lucid dreams it would only last up to 2 minutes. People who practice lucid dreaming can experience as much as 30 minutes of lucidity.
Why Lucid Dream?: Basically the people who become fascinated with lucid dreams are the ones that curious on the subject, or have experienced a lucid dream first hand. They may not understand how they did it or how they arrived, they just want that rush again. Once in the state of Lucidity you have no boundaries or restrictions with super abilities. A common lucid dream is when your flying over the clouds and looking down like a bird. You are far from scared but extremely excited. The feeling you have when you wake up stays with your for the whole day. For the ones who never had the chance to experience a lucid dream would be more skepticalon the matter. Do to the lack of knowledge on this subject many people are naturally afraid to learn how to manipulate their dreams. What we do know is lucid dreaming has more positive benefits than negative, and causes now harm on the person.
Learn to Lucid Dream:
Learning how to lucid dream isn't something that you can just learn over night.  This is something that takes time but when accomplished is very rewarding.  Be confident and don't let it discourage you even when its not working.  Learning how to prefect the art of lucid dreaming can take weeks or even months of practice. Once you do have the ability to lucid dream your dreams are just not dreams anymore!  Below we have listed steps for you to lucid dream the right way.
Lucid Dreaming Steps:
Step 1 – Repetition:
Thought out your day either working or at home you must practice "Repetition". You will have to keep asking yourself "Am I Dreaming Right Now?" a couple times an hour to sink in your head that you are not dreaming. This repetitive thought process helps you unknowingly remember this when your dreaming.
Step 2 – Record Your Dreams:
You must learn how to record your dreams when you wake up. Keeping a dream journal is vital because it improves and expands your dream capability. Once you are able to remember the events and symbols in your dream you have a better chance getting to that lucid state. Taking the time and going through your previous recorded dreams before bed helps build a sence of awareness when your in a dream state.
Step 3 – Control Your Sleep:
Controlling your dreams consists of being mindful of your sleep schedule. Changing your sleep behaviour will greater your chances of having a lucid dream. Scientists reveled the lucid dreaming works best when taking a quick nap after you have gotten up from a long sleep. Randomly interfering with your sleep schedule usually increases Lucid dreaming as well.
Step 4 – Believe:
Start believing in your dreams and the significance behind them. People who feel a dream is just a dream would have trouble trying to lucid dream. You must understand the symbols and the mystic power behind them. Try your best to remain positive and confident. You must have a desire to want feel lucid.
Step 5 - Meditation:
For thousands of years meditation has been directly linked for human inner peace. Learning how to meditate is a great way to build your awareness on in your conscious and unconscious world. You will want to meditate before you go to bed for 10 to 20 minutes a day.
Step 6 – Conscious Mind Awareness:
The most important step is training your "Conscious Mind". You want to start by becoming more aware of your daily surroundings and the objects around them. The items in your walking life that you would usually over look now has to be taken into account.  Anything from stop signs to billboard ads have to observed and taken note. You must observe the colour the shape and what it means. The reason is when you dream about an object that you analyzed in detail in your walking life you can apply it to your dream to see what is real and what is not. Once you can convince your mind that its just a dream the fun starts. Stretching your awareness in your day will help you gain more control of your dreams. You don't need to keep focus on every single detail in your life because it would drive you mad. Just start with a couple of small observations a day that you would normally never look at in detail.
Benefits of Lucid Dreaming:
* Strengthening your problem solving skills
* Able to confront your fears first hand
* Becoming more creative
* Great way to improve your confidence level
* Become more in tuned with yourself and others around you
* Experience a different way to dream
* Understanding more about our unconscious mind
How To Stay In Your Lucid in Dreams:
The hardest part about lucid dreams are trying to stay in them.  Learning the proper technique provided below will turn an armature dreamer to a experienced one.  If trained properly you can last up to 30 minutes in the lucid state.
* Relax
Relaxing is key when you want to stay longer in your fun lucid dream.  Most of the time we tend to get over excited and wake up from sleep.  In order to achieve a long period on lucidity you must calm your mind.
*Hand Movement
Once relaxed state rub try and remember to rub you hands together.  This help prolong the lucid dream because its constantly stimulating the conscious brain.  Doing this technique you can last up to 10 to 30 minutes in a lucid state.
Focus on your hand in your lucid dream.  Don't loose track of them, keep them in front of you.  Also focus on wanting to be in your dream.   Keep repeating out loud "attention or focus" and you will become more in tuned with the dream for a longer period of time.
* Spelling Test
Think of spelling word or doing an easy math question. This will help engage the logical part of your brain when your loosing focus of the dream.
Going around in circles helps you ground your awareness in your lucid dream which in turn brings  you to a new dream scene.
Focus on your hand in your lucid dream.  Don't loose track of them, keep them in front of you.  Also focus on wanting to be in your dream.   Keep repeating out loud "attention or focus" and you will become more in tuned with the dream for a longer period of time.
* Spelling Test
Think of spelling word or doing an easy math question. This will help engage the logical part of your brain when your loosing focus of the dream.
Going around in circles helps you ground your awareness in your lucid dream which in turn brings  you to a new dream scene. Lucid Dreams Lucid dreaming means that you are fully aware that you are dreaming. The state of Lucid Dreaming or "Lucidity" takes place in the middle of his or her dream. The dreamer fully understands that they just entered their dream and consciously knows its just a dream. Lucidity usually occurs when an alarm bell goes off in the dreamers mind when something doesn't pan out properly in the dream. Anything out of the ordinary such as "Flying" or "Floating" will cause you to enter in a lucid state of mind. Some lucid dreams just randomly happen without the dreaming knowing. Only a small percentage would lucid dream when they are in the state of returning back to Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. There are different variations of lucid dreams, depending the dream we can receive either high or low levels. With the lower levels you are some what lucid, but not in complete lucidity. You would be aware that you would be floating or flying but not in control of your dream settings. Higher levels on the other hand happens when you are in complete control and have the ability to manipulate your settings. This is an exciting feeling that feels almost euphoric. Unfortunately with high levels of lucid dreams it would only last up to 2 minutes. People who practice lucid dreaming can experience as much as 30 minutes of lucidity. Why Lucid Dream?: Basically the people who become fascinated with lucid dreams are the ones that curious on the subject, or have experienced a lucid dream first hand. They may not understand how they did it or how they arrived, they just want that rush again. Once in the state of Lucidity you have no boundaries or restrictions with super abilities. A common lucid dream is when your flying over the clouds and looking down like a bird. You are far from scared but extremely excited. The feeling you have when you wake up stays with your for the whole day. For the ones who never had the chance to experience a lucid dream would be more skepticalon the matter. Do to the lack of knowledge on this subject many people are naturally afraid to learn how to manipulate their dreams. What we do know is lucid dreaming has more positive benefits than negative, and causes now harm on the person. Learn to Lucid Dream: Learning how to lucid dream isn't something that you can just learn over night. This is something that takes time but when accomplished is very rewarding. Be confident and don't let it discourage you even when its not working. Learning how to prefect the art of lucid dreaming can take weeks or even months of practice. Once you do have the ability to lucid dream your dreams are just not dreams anymore! Below we have listed steps for you to lucid dream the right way. Lucid Dreaming Steps: Step 1 – Repetition: Thought out your day either working or at home you must practice "Repetition". You will have to keep asking yourself "Am I Dreaming Right Now?" a couple times an hour to sink in your head that you are not dreaming. This repetitive thought process helps you unknowingly remember this when your dreaming. Step 2 – Record Your Dreams: You must learn how to record your dreams when you wake up. Keeping a dream journal is vital because it improves and expands your dream capability. Once you are able to remember the events and symbols in your dream you have a better chance getting to that lucid state. Taking the time and going through your previous recorded dreams before bed helps build a sence of awareness when your in a dream state. Step 3 – Control Your Sleep: Controlling your dreams consists of being mindful of your sleep schedule. Changing your sleep behaviour will greater your chances of having a lucid dream. Scientists reveled the lucid dreaming works best when taking a quick nap after you have gotten up from a long sleep. Randomly interfering with your sleep schedule usually increases Lucid dreaming as well. Step 4 – Believe: Start believing in your dreams and the significance behind them. People who feel a dream is just a dream would have trouble trying to lucid dream. You must understand the symbols and the mystic power behind them. Try your best to remain positive and confident. You must have a desire to want feel lucid. Step 5 - Meditation: For thousands of years meditation has been directly linked for human inner peace. Learning how to meditate is a great way to build your awareness on in your conscious and unconscious world. You will want to meditate before you go to bed for 10 to 20 minutes a day. Step 6 – Conscious Mind Awareness: The most important step is training your "Conscious Mind". You want to start by becoming more aware of your daily surroundings and the objects around them. The items in your walking life that you would usually over look now has to be taken into account. Anything from stop signs to billboard ads have to observed and taken note. You must observe the colour the shape and what it means. The reason is when you dream about an object that you analyzed in detail in your walking life you can apply it to your dream to see what is real and what is not. Once you can convince your mind that its just a dream the fun starts. Stretching your awareness in your day will help you gain more control of your dreams. You don't need to keep focus on every single detail in your life because it would drive you mad. Just start with a couple of small observations a day that you would normally never look at in detail. Benefits of Lucid Dreaming: * Strengthening your problem solving skills * Able to confront your fears first hand * Becoming more creative * Great way to improve your confidence level * Become more in tuned with yourself and others around you * Experience a different way to dream * Understanding more about our unconscious mind How To Stay In Your Lucid in Dreams: The hardest part about lucid dreams are trying to stay in them. Learning the proper technique provided below will turn an armature dreamer to a experienced one. If trained properly you can last up to 30 minutes in the lucid state. * Relax Relaxing is key when you want to stay longer in your fun lucid dream. Most of the time we tend to get over excited and wake up from sleep. In order to achieve a long period on lucidity you must calm your mind. *Hand Movement Once relaxed state rub try and remember to rub you hands together. This help prolong the lucid dream because its constantly stimulating the conscious brain. Doing this technique you can last up to 10 to 30 minutes in a lucid state. *Focus Focus on your hand in your lucid dream. Don't loose track of them, keep them in front of you. Also focus on wanting to be in your dream. Keep repeating out loud "attention or focus" and you will become more in tuned with the dream for a longer period of time. * Spelling Test Think of spelling word or doing an easy math question. This will help engage the logical part of your brain when your loosing focus of the dream. *Circles Going around in circles helps you ground your awareness in your lucid dream which in turn brings you to a new dream scene. *Focus Focus on your hand in your lucid dream. Don't loose track of them, keep them in front of you. Also focus on wanting to be in your dream. Keep repeating out loud "attention or focus" and you will become more in tuned with the dream for a longer period of time. * Spelling Test Think of spelling word or doing an easy math question. This will help engage the logical part of your brain when your loosing focus of the dream. *Circles Going around in circles helps you ground your awareness in your lucid dream which in turn brings you to a new dream scene.

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