Pagan Parenting

A topic that is often raised nowadays is the difficulties and challenges of being a Wiccan parent.

Often, this can throw up challenges and tests that other parents often don’t have to deal with. Questions and situations arise that test our wisdom and the strength of our characters.

Conversely, it is a special joy that Wiccan parents get to experience, sharing this special set of values with those we cherish most – our children. It is a challenge and a joy. Juggling both of them is the hard part, but Wicca is a fantastic system and thus has its own special up-sides.

As most people know, being a good parent is one of the greatest things you can do for your child’s well-being. Allowing them to be free and soar, as well as knowing when to step in to guide them, it’s all part of a healthy balance.

The power and the insight that Wicca grants us is not to be taken for granted. Neither is the benefit that it will have on our children. It would be remiss to think that simply being a Wiccan parent grants you better parenting abilities than the next person. Good parenting comes from the heart, not from the system of beliefs that you choose to follow.

Imagine if you encountered someone that believed that, simply because of their religion, they were better qualified to be a parent. It would be easy to think that person was being very presumptuous! Talk about losing track of what matters!

Being Wiccan is no secret key to great parenting. However, if can be a very useful tool in helping to bring up well-rounded children who are full of joy. A gentle reminder of that now and then can be very timely.

Occasionally you will come across those who take exception to your status as a Wiccan. You may even experience the distress of someone acting differently towards your child because of what you are. Tales of children coming home from school having been picked on because other kids say their mother or father is a witch are all too common.

There may also be resistance or discrimination from adults who are older and should know better. You may find yourself being left out, or treated coldly because someone in authority, like a schoolteacher or principal dislikes your life choice. The worst outcome of that is, of course, the danger of your child not getting the support he or she needs.

What’s the solution? Every situation differs, but don’t be afraid to stand up for your rights. Most of us live in a country in which everyone is equal, no matter what their beliefs, and this is something to bear in mind.

Don’t be afraid to be proud to be Wiccan! Calmly standing behind what you are, and asserting yourself can be difficult, but it makes all the difference. You are first and foremost a parent, and you need to be respected as that in order to help your child develop. If you are not receiving this respect, you can take it to the authority that will afford you the rights you deserve.

Similarly, if your child is experiencing bullying because of your choices, you need to explain to him or her that what is going on isn't right. The people that are bullying are in the wrong, and it is in fact they who are acting improperly. Give your child support and don’t be afraid to talk about what Wicca actually is. That way they’ll see that it is something natural and not strange at all.

Doing the above while following the proper anti-bullying channels to report and minimize this sort of behavior is a good idea. My heart goes out to those who suffer this, as well as my hopes for a rapid improvement.

This is one of the best parts of being a Wiccan parent. You get to share some of the most enjoyable aspects of being Wiccan with your children as they grow and develop. What could be more fun?

Some of the more practical ways you can do this is through a true appreciation of nature. Long walks, and explaining to your children the importance of the natural world is a great way to establish a reverence for all things that flow from the Earth.

Special days like birthdays can be made extra fun by the inclusion of a ritual or Spell that everyone can take part in (within reason). Once your children are old enough to be trusted with ceremonial items, the rituals that celebrate ancient festivals, such as Imbolg and Lunasa can be enjoyed as a family. These are practical activities that your children can quite easily take to. Encouragement and simple explanations can make a world of difference.

Of course – being Wiccan allows you to use Magick to help your family. Protective Magick is often used in this sort of setting, and can make a real and vital difference in the development and safety of those who your hold dear.

The Meaning of a Purple Door ☽○☾

As children our mother had a variety of Old Wives tales she would say. Some she may have made up herself…heck the woman has her own language at times, I swear, but that’s what makes her our magnificent Crone. I got curious as to if there was any meaning behind this one, so I did a general search and this is what I found.

A purple door represents wealth, honor and royalty. Having a purple front door lets others know that you are living a prosperous life. It does not necessarily mean that you are wealthy monetarily, but you are rich in your quality of life and well being. You are also honorable.

Sounds like a Witch to me…

A purple door can show your open mindedness. The color purple in the practice of feng shui is the only color that you can place in any direction. This shows that purple is a versatile color. The color purple also is not a common front door color depending on where you live. So when you paint your front door purple, you are telling people that you are open minded and versatile to life’s possibilities. You think outside the box.

Sounds like a Witch to me…

A purple door can bring a sense of calm. If the shade of purple you choose for your door has some blue hues in it as well, this can bring a sense of calm and have a peaceful affect on your front door space. There is a lot of good energy surrounding the color purple. Think about how you’ll feel if you come home to a front door that is painted purple.

Sounds like a Witch to me…

Photo: The Meaning of a Purple Door ☽○☾

As children our mother had a variety of Old Wives tales she would say. Some she may have made up herself…heck the woman has her own language at times, I swear, but that’s what makes her our magnificent Crone. I got curious as to if there was any meaning behind this one, so I did a general search and this is what I found.

A purple door represents wealth, honor and royalty. Having a purple front door lets others know that you are living a prosperous life. It does not necessarily mean that you are wealthy monetarily, but you are rich in your quality of life and well being. You are also honorable.

Sounds like a Witch to me…

A purple door can show your open mindedness. The color purple in the practice of feng shui is the only color that you can place in any direction. This shows that purple is a versatile color. The color purple also is not a common front door color depending on where you live. So when you paint your front door purple, you are telling people that you are open minded and versatile to life’s possibilities. You think outside the box.

Sounds like a Witch to me…

A purple door can bring a sense of calm. If the shade of purple you choose for your door has some blue hues in it as well, this can bring a sense of calm and have a peaceful affect on your front door space. There is a lot of good energy surrounding the color purple. Think about how you’ll feel if you come home to a front door that is painted purple.

Sounds like a Witch to me…


Earth is the element of form, binding, and manifestation. From an occult perspective the element of Earth is the lowest in vibratory rate of the four elements. Most modern Witchcraft/Wiccan Traditions consider Earth to be a feminine² element.
Creatures known as Gnomes, a dwarf-like race, symbolize the active magickal principle of the elemental Earth. In a metaphysical sense, the color of Earth is yellow, symbolizing its vitality, activated by the sun, and it is associated with the Northern quarter. Some Wiccan Traditions associate Earth with other directional quarters and other colors. As a magickal agent the element of Earth is symbolized by the ritual tool known as a pentacle. In astrology the zodiac signs Capricorn, Virgo, and Taurus are associated with the element of Earth.


Earth is the element of form, binding, and manifestation. From an occult perspective the element of Earth is the lowest in vibratory rate of the four elements. Most modern Witchcraft/Wiccan Traditions consider Earth to be a feminine² element.
Creatures known as Gnomes, a dwarf-like race, symbolize the active magickal principle of the elemental Earth. In a metaphysical sense, the color of Earth is yellow, symbolizing its vitality, activated by the sun, and it is associated with the Northern quarter. Some Wiccan Traditions associate Earth with other directional quarters and other colors. As a magickal agent the element of Earth is symbolized by the ritual tool known as a pentacle. In astrology the zodiac signs Capricorn, Virgo, and Taurus are associated with the element of Earth.


Air is commonly associated with mental activity and is considered masculine¹ in nature.
In modern Wicca/Witchcraft the magickal agent of the element of Air is symbolized by a ritual tool. Some traditions assign the wand to Air because it was once a branch moving in the wind. Other traditions assign the element of Air to the ritual blade because of the sound a blade can make when slicing the air.
Creatures known as Sylphs, a fairy-like race, symbolize the active magickal principle of elemental air. In a metaphysical sense, the color of Air is blue and it is associated with the Eastern quarter. Some Wiccan Traditions associate Air with other directional quarters and other colors. In astrology, the zodiac signs Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini are associated with the element of Air.
In old occult lore it was believed that spirits and ghosts had the power to wrap themselves inside the wind, giving them the ability to become invisible. From this lore, we find other associations such as the presence of a ghost indicated by areas of cold air.Howling winds were believed to carry spirits of the night. Because of the association of air, sudden gusts of wind were attributed to spirits and poltergeists.


Air is commonly associated with mental activity and is considered masculine¹ in nature.
In modern Wicca/Witchcraft the magickal agent of the element of Air is symbolized by a ritual tool. Some traditions assign the wand to Air because it was once a branch moving in the wind. Other traditions assign the element of Air to the ritual blade because of the sound a blade can make when slicing the air.
Creatures known as Sylphs, a fairy-like race, symbolize the active magickal principle of elemental air. In a metaphysical sense, the color of Air is blue and it is associated with the Eastern quarter. Some Wiccan Traditions associate Air with other directional quarters and other colors. In astrology, the zodiac signs Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini are associated with the element of Air.
In old occult lore it was believed that spirits and ghosts had the power to wrap themselves inside the wind, giving them the ability to become invisible. From this lore, we find other associations such as the presence of a ghost indicated by areas of cold air.Howling winds were believed to carry spirits of the night. Because of the association of air, sudden gusts of wind were attributed to spirits and poltergeists.


Akasha meaning pure spirit, is the fifth element.It is the subtle spiritual essence that pervades all space. It is not ether itself, but is an ether-like substance of a spiritual rather than material nature. Essentially, Akasha is to ether what spirit is to physical matter. In ancient writings, such as thePuranas, Akasha is said to operate through sound or vibration. Thus it is identified with the element of Air, and in a spiritual sense with the "breath of god" concept in ancient Hebraic texts. Where we read in the book of Genesis that the "spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters," we can see Akasha in action through motion. In occultism, Akasha is considered to be an indispensable element of each magickal act.
To move energy in a ritual, spell, or work of magick is to evoke Akasha. Akasha is an element of the kundalini force as well, lying latent at the base of all magickal operations. The power of Akasha, as it relates to kundalini, is an "occult electricity." This energy rises with our emotions and desires, and is the basis for fertility of mind, body, and spirit. It is the energy of motivation, passion, and determination.
On a larger scale, Akasha is one of the Tattvic Tides³ of occult philosophy, an energy form that is most active at sunrise. As one of the Tattvic Tides, Akasha emanates the power of spirit to harmonize the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. The ancient myths of Western civiliztion tell of a time when the chaos was brought into harmony by the intervention of spirit. This is the symbolism of the pentagram, the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water controlled by spirit. In ancient Roman mythology the four elemental winds were the gods Borus, Eurus, Notus, and Zephyrus. Above them was a higher god, Aeoulus, who kept watch over them.


Akasha meaning pure spirit, is the fifth element.It is the subtle spiritual essence that pervades all space. It is not ether itself, but is an ether-like substance of a spiritual rather than material nature. Essentially, Akasha is to ether what spirit is to physical matter. In ancient writings, such as thePuranas, Akasha is said to operate through sound or vibration. Thus it is identified with the element of Air, and in a spiritual sense with the "breath of god" concept in ancient Hebraic texts. Where we read in the book of Genesis that the "spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters," we can see Akasha in action through motion. In occultism, Akasha is considered to be an indispensable element of each magickal act.
To move energy in a ritual, spell, or work of magick is to evoke Akasha. Akasha is an element of the kundalini force as well, lying latent at the base of all magickal operations. The power of Akasha, as it relates to kundalini, is an "occult electricity." This energy rises with our emotions and desires, and is the basis for fertility of mind, body, and spirit. It is the energy of motivation, passion, and determination.
On a larger scale, Akasha is one of the Tattvic Tides³ of occult philosophy, an energy form that is most active at sunrise. As one of the Tattvic Tides, Akasha emanates the power of spirit to harmonize the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. The ancient myths of Western civiliztion tell of a time when the chaos was brought into harmony by the intervention of spirit. This is the symbolism of the pentagram, the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water controlled by spirit. In ancient Roman mythology the four elemental winds were the gods Borus, Eurus, Notus, and Zephyrus. Above them was a higher god, Aeoulus, who kept watch over them.


Water is an element associated with the west quarter. It is a symbol of regeneration, renovation, and dissolution. In occultism beings known as Undines are creatures of this element. Traditionally, the element of Water is associated with the color green - in many modern Wiccan/Witchcraft Traditions the color is blue.
In modern Wicca, Water is symbolized by the ritual tool known as the chalice. The chalice contains either water or wine that is used for ritual or magickal purposes. In astrology the zodiac signs Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio are associated with the element of Water.


Water is an element associated with the west quarter. It is a symbol of regeneration, renovation, and dissolution. In occultism beings known as Undines are creatures of this element. Traditionally, the element of Water is associated with the color green - in many modern Wiccan/Witchcraft Traditions the color is blue.
In modern Wicca, Water is symbolized by the ritual tool known as the chalice. The chalice contains either water or wine that is used for ritual or magickal purposes. In astrology the zodiac signs Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio are associated with the element of Water.



Fire is sometimes known as the living element. It is perhaps the most ancient symbol of divinity. Fire is a living principle of duality, providing light and heat to aid humankind, while at the same time being a force of death and destruction. The eternal flame is a common theme in ancient Mystery Cults and typically represents the eternal presence of Divinity. Among the ancient Greeks, Hestia symbolized the divine living flame, as did Vesta among the Romans.
The ancients believed that fire could lie hidden in a piece of wood. By rubbing two pieces together the fire could often be coaxed from the wood. Once fire was produced the ancients often transported the flame on the end of a giant fennel stick, a custom that later associated fennel with the forces of light. The connection of fire as the living spirit latent in wood drew worshippers to establish and maintain sanctuaries for their deities within the forests, long after the creation of towns and cities. According to ancient legend, statues of deities were encased in a bundle of branches and transported to a new location when another sacred grove was to be established. In this manner the "fire" of the deities' spirit was conveyed from grove to grove.
In modern Wicca, Fire is one of the four creative elements. It is traditionally linked to the color red, although this does differ among the various traditions. As a magickal agent the element of fire is symbolized by a ritual tool. Some traditions assign elemental Fire to the ritual blade because the blade was forged in Fire. Other traditions assign it to the wand because of the use of wood as a torch. In astrology the zodiac sign Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are associated with Fire.

Fire is sometimes known as the living element. It is perhaps the most ancient symbol of divinity. Fire is a living principle of duality, providing light and heat to aid humankind, while at the same time being a force of death and destruction. The eternal flame is a common theme in ancient Mystery Cults and typically represents the eternal presence of Divinity. Among the ancient Greeks, Hestia symbolized the divine living flame, as did Vesta among the Romans.
The ancients believed that fire could lie hidden in a piece of wood. By rubbing two pieces together the fire could often be coaxed from the wood. Once fire was produced the ancients often transported the flame on the end of a giant fennel stick, a custom that later associated fennel with the forces of light. The connection of fire as the living spirit latent in wood drew worshippers to establish and maintain sanctuaries for their deities within the forests, long after the creation of towns and cities. According to ancient legend, statues of deities were encased in a bundle of branches and transported to a new location when another sacred grove was to be established. In this manner the "fire" of the deities' spirit was conveyed from grove to grove.
In modern Wicca, Fire is one of the four creative elements. It is traditionally linked to the color red, although this does differ among the various traditions. As a magickal agent the element of fire is symbolized by a ritual tool. Some traditions assign elemental Fire to the ritual blade because the blade was forged in Fire. Other traditions assign it to the wand because of the use of wood as a torch. In astrology the zodiac sign Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are associated with Fire.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Casting a Circle

It’s helpful when casting a spell to create a ritual space, and casting a circle is one way to do so. Not only does this ward off distracting energies, it helps to move the practitioner to a ritual state of mind. Not every practitioner casts a circle in the same way and often it’s best to experiment a bit and find what works for you. Here’s a general guide:

1. Determine how much space you’ll need in your ritual. If you only need space for yourself, a good rule of thumb is to make a circle big enough to fit your outstretched arms. If you plan to stand or move around, or if your ritual includes something like an altar or more people, account for more space.

2. Make sure you have everything you need for your ritual before casting your circle. There’s nothing more distracting than realizing you’ve forgotten supplies and leaving to go fetch them. If you do need to leave for something mid-ritual, many find it helpful to visualize “cutting” out a door which you would seal up again when you return. This way, your circle is not interrupted.

3. Cleanse your ritual area. First, clean it physically by tidying up and vacuuming or sweeping (with a regular broom, not a ritual one) if needed. Then cleanse and purify the area of negative energy. Purifying processes include lightly brushing the floor with a besom (ritual broom), fanning incense around the area, smudging, sprinkling salt or saltwater, and playing a musical instrument (I particularly like chimes and bells). The most important thing, no matter what method you use, is to visualize the negative energy dispersing. If you don’t focus and visualize, the physical actions will have little effect.

4. Once your space is cleansed and you are ready to begin, cast your circle. There is any number of ways to do this, but generally people will trace out a circle with a wand, athame, or even their hand. Keep in mind that whatever tool you use does not have to actually touch the ground — you need simply point it down. Visualize protective energy coming from within you and direct it toward your casting arm (generally your dominant arm). Focus it through your casting tool and visualize a beam of energy coming from it and settling on the ground. Some like to cast a circle multiple times (for example, once for protection, once for focus, and once for power), but this is not necessary. Sometimes practitioners like to call the four quarters (east, south, west, north), especially if their ritual involves invocations or presence with the divine. Sometimes a circle is marked with candles, stones, cord, or some other marker. Usually, a circle is imagined as a sphere or dome of energy. Keep in mind that the stronger your visualizations are, the better your circle will be cast. Take your time and focus.

5. When your circle is cast, proceed with your ritual but always try to be aware of your circle. It would be unhelpful if you forgot about it and stepped outside.

Pentacle Purification

This is a more general healing spell that is better for less-serious ills when you just need a physical pick-me-up.
•Sprig of fresh rosemary
•Sandalwood and/or rose oil
•Cup of pure water
Anoint the tip of the rosemary sprig with your oil and gently trace the sign of a pentacle on your chest/belly area. Yes, you need to be shirtless for this. Touch the sprig to each of the points, and say "Earth, air, fire, water, spirit" with each one. 
Picture the purifying nature of the symbol cleansing your body of your illness. Take a long drink of water, and bury the piece of rosemary outside.


1. you will need, a cauldron, water, and silver coins.
2. Optional are candles, one white, and one green.
3 Fill your cauldron half full of water and drop a silver coin quarters work best if you only have American money into it.
4 Position the cauldron near a window or someplace it can get moonlight. Glide you hand over the surface of the cauldron and symbolically gather the Moon’s silver.

As you do this chant:

Lovely Lady of the Moon, bring to me your wealth right soon. Fill my hands with silver and gold. All you give, my purse can hold.”

Repeat this three times.

Leave the bowl in the moonlight for the night. The next morning pour the water into the earth. (not the coins).

Rewritten by Raven Moon for Just Wicca Credit: Everything Under The Moon

Tuesday, September 23, 2014